Monday, September 05, 2011

Book #23 Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers by Mary Roach

Well, you know why I picked this one I mean look at the cover! How could I resist the morbid curiosity we all have? Don't deny it, I know you all have a weird part of you who wonders what happens to human cadavers.

Stiff is funny, intellectual and compelling disturbing. If you have even the slightest queasy stomach I don't recommend this book to you. I was grossed out more than once. I was in a nursing program in community college before going to art school and was around a cadaver while being dissected. The image of the man we held the heart of kept coming back to me. I didn't think it would be so...gross I guess.

It makes you run through your own mortality and what you would want done with your body if donated. It raises a lot of questions on how much you are told upon signing a paper to donate you or a loved ones body. It is shocking how cadavers are used and I felt more often than not a discomfort with the donation in general. Its good to know what you are getting your "body" into when signing it over. If you are thinking about donation or a loved one is I'm not sure this is quite the book you should read.

I was oddly disturbed. This is one of those moments when the cover was exactly what the book is and I didn't like it much when it was based in reality.

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