Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Book #7 The Weed That Strings the Hangman's Bag by Alan Bradley

The Weed That Strings the Hangman's Bag by Alan Bradley is the second in the series of of the Flavia de Luce Mystery's. What a wonderful read! Here is a great bit from Booklist:

"Flavia, the precocious, imaginative, and adorable 11-year-old sleuth, returns for her second adventure. It’s a mystery in itself how a mature male author can pen the adventures of such a young female child and keep readers believing in the fantasy. Flavia’s world is 1950s England—specifically, a very old country house that just happens to have a long-abandoned chemistry laboratory."
If that doesn't get you interested I don't know what will! 

I've noticed on this journey that I am very lonely in my choices to read novels in the Horror genre. I have no friends or relatives that read horror books and this leaves me with no one to discus plot lines and what new books are out. I've felt like a bit of an outcast. I read what I like and sometimes books outside the horror genre but its a lonely road I'm taking. SO, I searched and found a group of people on that have a group called "Horror Aficionados". I'm very excited to finally meet some people with like interests!


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