Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Book #13- Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman

Aaaaahhhh!!!  Annnnd, I'm back!  After moving to a new city (town...okay, town/city), starting a new job, quitting said job and starting another, I am finally settled enough to start updating this beautiful blog again!
Thanks to Lindsay and her wonderful boyfriend Shaun, I was able to watch Neil Gaiman speak at Harold Washington Library with Audrey Niffenegger, who I had seen before.  I thought he was brilliant and so I picked up a signed copy of his book on my way out and LOVED it!  If I wasn't trying to avoid reading two books by the same author this year, I would only be talking about his books from here on out.  Next year, look out, Neil Gaiman will rule you!
This book was absolutely delightful, and the characters were perfect- fun, hopeful, inspiring...  I love a good epic story, and this is one for sure.  Love it!  Thanks Linds!!!

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